
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

32 Week Sonogram

Hello Everyone! These are a little bit more difficult to see, but I'll explain them. Connor was at 32 weeks, 4 days gestation when these were taken on 7/2/09 :)
This first one is his little hand - you can see that he has his forefinger and middle finger up (like a peace sign)...I like to think he's saying, "Chill, mom, I promise not to get too much bigger! Just relax and have some more cantaloupe and everything will be just fine!"

This one is a picture of his glorious foot, just as he was in the middle of kicking me! In this picture, I believe he's saying, "Although there's much more of this headed your way, I'll try my best to contain it and be gentle with you, Mom!"
And finally - this is his face - really smooshed - that lovely placenta again! But you can sort of see him :) His face is on the right - look closely and you can see his eyes and his nose and forehead - then on the left you can see his knees that are curled up to his chest. In this picture, I'm pretty sure he's saying, "Mom, seriously, I love you, but PLEASE give me some more room - I'm choked in knees are hittin me in the chin when I try to kick you!"

They took one more picture because for some reason they feel that we continuously need reassurance that Connor is, indeed, a boy - however, I'm gonna spare him the humiliation that will come later in just know that we are 400% sure that Connor is a boy! Trust us! No questions there! Hope you've enjoyed! We will have more sonogram pictures after our 34 week sonogram next week!
The Ratliffs

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