
Friday, June 18, 2010

The Park and Our Loft!

We hope you all had a wonderful week!  We have been working on our loft all week.  For those of you who don't know - we decided to sell the furniture in our loft (old furniture that I had in Florida) and make it into a big playroom for Connor!  His bedroom was just getting too crowded with all the toys from his generous friends and family!  So I put the furniture on Craigs List last week and sold it in 1 day and got $100 more than I thought I would for it :)  So we are planning on getting some curtains for the windows, a futon for us to sit on, and a large area rug for the center of the room.  We are also going to paint the wall behind the entertainment center in a bright blue or red to go with the area rug.  Here are some pictures of how it looks now :)  I just have a feather bed in the middle of the floor right now until we can get the area rug.  Connor LOVES it!  He is so excited to play now and he loves crawling all over the place, chasing Diablo!  He is playing with toys that he's never played with before!

Like I said, we still have lots of work to do, but it's usable already and we're really enjoying using the space that we've never made use of before!  Connor would spend all day up here if we let him!

Today, Connor and I met my friend, Christy, and her daughter, Natalie, at the park for some fun!  Here's Connor and Natalie on the swings (Natalie is 3 1/2 years old!)

Here's Connor on the turtles!

And Connor and Natalie in the tree house!

Have a great weekend!


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